Nonetheless, the interest did peak approximately around September 2020. Interest rose occasionally only to fall soon enough. The graph of interest in ‘Nero Platinum Suite’ over 12 months in the USA can be best described random spikes on a flat surface. Overall, there has been considerable interest in the company over the past 12 months and the graph predicts it to rise in the coming weeks. The interest rose substantially a couple of times and even peaked at the start of March 2020.

The interest in the search term ‘Nero’ has been consistently above average over the past 12 months.

I used Google Trends to check the interest in ‘Nero’ and the ‘Nero Platinum Suite’ over the past 12 months in the USA. Google Trends is an analytical program that displays the popularity of search terms in the form of graphs. The AI has become more intuitive and tag management has greatly improved resulting in precise tagging, less memory consumption, and faster results. The AI Tagger now supports over 90 keywords, including birthday and desert. The AI Photo Tagger has also seen substantial improvements key among which is its ability to recognize more than 90 scenes and subjects. Nero TuneItUp’s interface has been completely redesigned and its new interface looks fresh and includes quite a few new features that will make system optimization faster and more intuitive. To take things up a notch, Nero Video now lets you edit and export 4K videos at bitrates of up to 240 Mbps. Furthermore, you can now directly start editing photos, tagging people, and adding locations while viewing photos in Quick View.

Media Home now supports HDR video playback which offers a high contrast range and more vibrant colors. In fact, the intuitive interface makes the Nero Media Home even more user-friendly than it already was and an ideal application for beginners or users with limited knowledge of multimedia applications. The new interface looks modern but is not at all difficult to navigate. The first improvement that I noticed was the new user interface that sported a modern look but packed quite a punch under the pretty face.